Last October he released ‘In Debt To’ his debut album. I’ll be honest at first I wasn’t too keen on it but I didn’t give it much of a chance. But recently I’ve really got into it. It was pretty much by chance that I started listening to it; I stumbled in at 4am, banged on a shuffle on the old MP3 player and the brilliance of ‘Anti-Patria’ converted me instantly. The effects of being under the influence, eh?
If I had to define Napoleon IIIrd’s genre I probably wouldn’t be able to. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d invented some of his own instruments for this album, there is mish-mash of some extremely strange sounds. Some of the songs sound like he’s cut up a bunch of tape reels and pasted them together and added vocals over the top, strangely enough they all fit together perfectly. His sound isn’t even slightly similar to anything in the mainstream at the minute. Don’t let that put you off though.
Get hold of: The Conformist Takes It All, Anti-Patria, Hit Schmooze For Me