I've heard a few things about The ABC Club (formerly The Debuts), I think they were playing at Live at Leeds. Anyway I hadn't listened to them until now, but i have to say I'm impressed. They're managed my !Forward Russia's Whiska's, they're nothing like !FR however. In fact they're a good band to listen to if you're relaxing in the garden with a few cans of lager, that's not going to be the case at the moment because the summer looks like it's buggered off already.
Tinkering Teacups and 43 are their stand out tracks. Both containing jingly guitars complimented by gorgeous female vocals. It's all a bit shoegazey. Imagine a more mellow Strokes with a frontwoman and you'd be halfway there.
Myspace: www.myspace.com/wearetheabcclub
Get hold of: 43, Tinkering Teacups, Get Set Go

Now for something a bit different from the usual stuff I post about. An American bloke who talks over atmoshperic background music. His name's Adam Gnade. Think of the The Cribs' brilliant 'Be Safe' featuring Lee Ranaldo's spoken word, Gnade's concoctions are of a similar style but each song tells an actual story. Some of them even connect with each other as characters are introduced and further tales are told.
Last year he toured with Youthmovies and created the unlikely contribution named 'Honey Slides'. The EP combines Gnade's spoken word at a faster pace with Youthmovies unusual electronic sounds providing the bottom layer. His solo work isn't as quite as upbeat as the Honey Slides EP, with many of his songs such as Providence and Palaces having a more country and folk feel.
Myspace: www.myspace.com/gnade
Get hold of: We're Unknowing, And On Bad Days We Were, It's Five O Clock In America